Kini Community

for Youth

A Youth Activation Programme by Malaysiakini


Dear Youths,

How many times have you been told that you are the country's future, that you must get involved to decide the Malaysia that you want?

Malaysiakini has exciting news for you in this regard. You can start your journey by joining us and be a part of our Kini Community for Youth.

'Kini Community for Youth' is a programme which will provide you with the opportunity to be more involved in how Malaysia is built, via our news space, which offers the news and views that matter.

This is a place where you can air your views, share your thoughts and opinions while engaging with like-minded individuals.

You may also be exposed to opposing views. But that is the beauty of democracy!

You may also be exposed to opposing views. But that is the beauty of democracy! You get to learn from others, while they learn from you.

The country progresses when its citizens, especially the youths, care enough to debate and discuss our policies and current affairs.

Malaysia needs you to get involved. You can start here.

What will you get?

To facilitate your participation in this programme, you will receive a complimentary one-year student subscription to Malaysiakini, plus accesses to our new features.

  • One-year Malaysiakini Student Subscription (Valued at RM150)
  • Complimentary Kini Community membership
  • Complimentary 500 Kini Community points
  • Complimentary Kini Community β€œGen” badge

Who should apply?

  • Youths aged above 18 and under 30

  • Proficient in English

  • Love reading news and make it a habit every day to click on a news site

  • Love to engage with other in a meaningful dialog

What else?

Win Awesome Prizes

There will be awesome prizes to award those who are the most engaged with Malaysiakini.

(We will announce the prizes later on this page)

What do you mean by the most engaged with Malaysiakini?

In March this year, we launched Kini Community as a membership programme to engage with our subscribers.

Since then, we have released a series of mini-features which will be explained in your welcome pack when you are qualified as a participant.

We will measure your engagement based on your interactions for the first month, where you will have the opportunity to use some of these features.


Do not worry if all these seem overwhelming to you!

During this month, we will email you tips on how you can make the most of your time and experience as a participant in our Kini Community for Youth Programme.


Open Day Giveaways

Apart from prizes, there will also be exciting giveaways at our open day on 31 October 2020.

  • Free courses from kiniacademy
  • Malaysiakini subscription
  • Malaysiakini merchandises
  • Kini Community points
  • And more...

So, what are you waiting for?

Your voice, your views, and the future of Malaysia, matters.

Apply for this programme now

Deadline: September 5, 2020 (Saturday)

For any enquiry, email us at
